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To apply, complete the Application Form.

For an application to be processed, all applicants need to have an active Nano-Hub account. Instructions for setting up this account can be found in the following link: Instructions for applying for a nanoHUB account

The application will require you to answer the following questions, it is often helpful to consider our response to these prior to starting the application.

  1. Personal Statement: Please state your interest in SCALE, the microelectronics industry, and national defense in 1-2 paragraphs.
  2. Career Plans: Please state your career plans in 1-2 paragraphs. Do they involve graduate school, or working in the microelectronics industry, especially the Defense Industrial Base?
  3. SCALE Plans: Please review the attached SCALE Adventure Map. Which opportunities within SCALE are you most interested in? State your answer in 1-2 paragraphs.

In addition, each applicant must also supply the following information in PDF format:

  • Unofficial transcript
  • Resume
  • Any other relevant information (educational or otherwise), which could be relevant to the program.

Submissions will be vetted by the central SCALE admissions team, and you will receive information as to whether you qualify for the program, as well as information on next steps if accepted.

SCALE’s ‘pick your own adventure’ approach helps you explore and develop before graduation.


SCALE connections

  • SCALE LinkedIn and Discord sites
  • On-campus student events
  • National conference and workshops

Technical Know-How

  • Seminars
  • Special coursework

Hands-On Experience

  • Internships
  • Undergrad / graduate research


  • Mentors


You are uniquely qualified versus your peers for an enriching and rewarding career in semiconductors.