Strategic Research Teams
Strategic Research Teams are transdisciplinary organizational units comprised of well-established, field experts and trainees operating with targeted strategic goals of furthering research portfolios and profile in this area and for Purdue. They represent long-standing and enduring teams with clear evidence of historic and ongoing research collaborations (i.e., Co-PIs on grants, co-authors on papers, etc.). they are: (1) already-mature, with a demonstrated history of success, (2) doing work in areas of significant and strategic relevance to sustainability, and with (3) substantial opportunities for future success. The goals, milestones, deliverables, budget, roles and expectations may vary substantially from SRT to SRT, however the deliverables and ROI for each SRT is clear and evident.
Each SRT is led by 1-2 leaders with a well-defined organizational structure including delineation of responsibilities, roles, and expectations within the SRT for the scientists involved. Leads are responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of short- and long- term goals for the SRT. Teams receive support from ISF to achieve their goals which may include dedicated administrative and professional staff time, financial support for activities and projects led by the SRT, funding for travel to conduct research, present at conferences, and/or enhance research development.
Learn more about our current SRT by clicking the image below