Climate Resources
This page provides several resources developed and previously maintained by the Purdue Climate Change Resource Center. These resources are no longer actively managed but made available to provide continued access.
Indiana Climate Impacts Assessment
The Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment (IN CCIA) was a statewide effort led by Purdue University that brought together the best available climate change research into a series of reports designed to help Hoosiers better understand climate change-related risks so they could prepare for challenges and capitalize on opportunities. The IN CCIA, aimed to put global change into local perspective, took place from 2018 through 2023. The most recent report on Water was released in June, 2023. All of the reports are available at this page supported by the Purdue College of Agriculture.
K-12 Educational Resources
Working with Purdue Daniel Shepardson and Andrew Hirsch, PCCRC supported the development of several resources on teaching climate change for K-12 teachers. Materials related to these topics are preserved here.
Stories of Change
Climate change is personal, affecting each of us in unique ways. From our hobbies to our livelihoods, a warming world matters. Through this series, PCCRC explored what climate change means in the day-to-day lives of Hoosiers as well as those living around the world. Read personal stories about climate impacts.