A Current Look at Climate Change and Water in Indiana: Science and Solutions
This virtual forum will feature speakers from Purdue, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Purdue Extension and IL-IN Sea Grant, as well as White River Alliance as they discuss water resources, climate change resilience and local action in Indiana.
Register here.
12:30-12:35 Greetings from Purdue’s Institute for a Sustainable Future and The White River Alliance
12:35-1:00 Thomas Hertel, distinguished professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue, presents and takes questions on the 5-year international research project GLASSNET, global-to-local-to-global climate dynamics, and its effects on water resources.
1:00-1:25 Keith Cherkauer, professor of agricultural and biological engineering, co-director of the Water Challenges Research Community of the Institute for a Sustainable Future, and director of the Indiana Water Resources Research Center, all at Purdue University, presents and takes questions on the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment soon-to-be released Water report.
1:25-1:45 State Resource Conservationist Shannon Zezula presents and takes questions on climate-smart agriculture funding and programs available through the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
1:45-2:05 Kara Salazar, Assistant Program Leader for Community Development and Sustainable Communities Extension Specialist of Purdue University Extension and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant, presents and takes questions on communities in Indiana undertaking climate resilience programs.
2:05-2:20 White River Alliance Environmental Education and Outreach Coordinator Haley Cowart introduces the new Climate Pledge, part of the national Clear Choices-Clean Water program operated by The White River Alliance in Indianapolis.
2:20-2:30 Q&A