Purdue University

Water Challenges

The Water Challenges research community facilitates interdisciplinary research that helps communities solve their water challenges. Within the community, there are several sub-areas of interest including:
  • Water management
  • Human dimensions of water
  • Urban water systems
  • Great Lakes water
  • Ecological restoration
  • Water and energy
  • Agricultural water use

Co-Leads: Keith Cherkauer (ABE) & Lisa Welp (EAPS)

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 

ISF supports research and partnerships to accelerate the transition to a sustainable resilient and prosperous future by aligning our work with one or more of the SDGs.  Each community and initiative identifies specific goals related to their area.  For the Water Challenges Research Community this includes: 

SDG 2 Zero Hunger     SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation      SDG 13 Climate Action      SDG 14 Life Below Water



Purdue-white-paper-on-water-management-r.png                      IN-CCIA-Water-Report-r.png     

Cllick on the images above to access Purdue's white paper on water management and the INCCIA Water Report

To view additional reports, or to learn more about the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment effort, check out our resource page here.

For a recording of our recent webinar titled "Which Way Does It Flow? The interaction between groundwater and surface water and why it matters," please visit our youtube channel.  A direct link is available here

Current Team Projects