Purdue University


To preserve all living things through biodiversity, we need to meet the needs of modern civilization while also protecting plant, animal and microbe diversity. Purdue University researchers are working to address these challenges. A central question this research community poses is: how can we meet the needs of people while sustaining the diversity of plants, animals, and microbes that we depend on? 

Areas of interest include:

  • Big data & environmental sensing
  • Biodiversity in a global context
  • Biodiversity and climate change
  • Biodiversity and AI
  • Patterns of space across scales
  • Biodiversity data acquisition and preservation

Co-Leads: Ximena Bernal (Bio)

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 

ISF supports research and partnerships to accelerate the transition to a sustainable resilient and prosperous future by aligning our work with one or more of the SDGs.  Each community and initiative identifies specific goals related to their area.  For the Biodiversity Research Community this includes: 

SDG Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production          SDG 13. Climate Action.         SDG 14, Life Below Water. Blue background with white images symbolizing waves and a fish         SDG Goal 15, Life on Land. Green background with white images of a tree and birds.


Current Team Projects

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